Hair Loss Treatment – What You Should Know

How your hair loss is treated will depend on the cause of the problem. If your hair loss is caused by a factor that has an end date, your hair will likely grow back. For example, if your hair loss is caused by a malfunctioning thyroid gland, taking medications to regulate the gland may help. Likewise, a deficiency in vitamins may benefit from regulating the consumption of these substances in the body.

Hereditary hair loss can be treated with medication or hair transplantation. Some people also choose to wear wigs or hairpieces. If the hair loss is caused by an agent controlled, such as stress or medication, it will be possible to cure hair loss or treat the problem by attacking the cause.

Treatment And Care

Here are the vitamins that can help prevent the problem:


Biotin is a B-complex vitamin. It is also known as vitamin B7 and vitamin H. It is a water-soluble vitamin produced in the intestine by bacteria and obtained through food. The absence of biotin can cause hair loss and also cause the strands to be weakened. The relationship between the nutrient and hair is not yet specific. Still, some experts believe that biotin is related to keratin production, the protein that makes up the hair.


Iron is one of the main components of hemoglobin, the pigment of red blood cells. The lack of minerals causes the body to produce fewer red cells, which will characterize the picture of anemia, thus resulting in hair loss. Therefore, eating foods rich in iron can help prevent hair loss. Foods rich in iron are red meat, especially the liver, chicken breast, seafood, oysters, pulses such as beans and lentils, dark green vegetables such as kale, watercress, arugula, and spinach, whole grains such as rice and cereals, pistachio, boiled pumpkin, green beans, raisins, and tofu.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is also essential for hair and nails. It helps in collagen production, which is one of the structures of the hair and nails, the primary nutrients to form collagen are proline and vitamin C. The primary sources of vitamin C: citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables dark, red pepper, chili, guava, acerola, açai, goji berry, strawberry, kiwi.

Home Hair Loss Treatments

Check out homemade hair loss treatments.

  1. Massage

Massaging the scalp is always a good idea when it comes to hair loss. “This stimulates the local circulation, increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients in the cells in the region, reducing the fall,” considers the specialist. You can do this while showering, while applying shampoo, for example.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera, or Aloe vera, is an excellent moisturizer, which is why it is used in so many products and home treatments. This hydration occurs without occluding the hair follicle, so it can help with hair loss if there is a deficit in the hydration of the scalp. If the drop is derived from other reasons, the action will be different.

Home Treatments For Unproven Hair Loss

Other home hair loss treatments that involve applying products to the scalp are not scientifically proven. Therefore, there is no way of guaranteeing their effectiveness in a problem as serious as this one.

Home treatments for hair loss without scientific proof are:

  • mulberry cream
  • Avocado
  • garlic juice
  • Egg
  • Coconut oil
  • Almond oil